Project Overview
The Millbend project consists of a new 138kV single pole/ double circuit transmission line that will connect to the existing Entergy Texas, Inc. (ETI) Porter to Parkway 138kV transmission line (L-92) in Montgomery County. The new transmission line will follow a path through Montgomery County until it reaches the new Millbend Distribution Substation. The Millbend substation is planned to be located along I-69 corridor in south Montgomery County. Depending on the route ultimately approved by the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT), the new transmission line will be approximately 10 miles long.
The primary purpose of the Millbend 138kV Transmission Line and Substation Project is to meet the area’s growing power demands in Montgomery County, spurred by residential and business development. To accomplish this, a new distribution substation, Millbend substation, is needed to provide the additional capacity and distribution feeder delivery system to integrate into the existing distribution system in the area. The location of Millbend substation is determined by the existing distribution system and available suitable property and is proposed to be located along I-69 in south Montgomery County. The proposed transmission line would connect the new Millbend substation near Interstate-69 in south Montgomery County to the existing Porter to Parkway transmission line west of Lake Houston Wilderness Park and east of Porter Heights.
The Millbend 138kV Transmission Line and Substation Project will require the following scopes of work:
(1) Design and build the new Millbend 138kV / 13.2kV Substation:
The Millbend substation will be new construction on property acquired by ETI. A 138kV substation is required to facilitate the installation of the proposed new 138kV line as well as the new distribution feeders that will provide power to the area’s homes and businesses. Two 50MVA Distribution Transformers will be installed to facilitate connecting the new 138kV line to the distribution network. The substation will include space to add an additional, third, 50MVA distribution transformer to facilitate the future growth of the area.
(2) Design and build the new Millbend 138kV Transmission Loop (L822):
The connecting transmission line will be a new single-pole, double-circuit 138kV transmission line from a point on the existing Porter to Parkway 138kV Transmission Line east of CaneyPorter Heights and west of the Lake Houston Wilderness Park and connect to the Millbend substation.