Table 2.1-3 Existing Environmental Conditions & Project Effects



Avoidance and Minimization MEASURES


Resources with No Effects


Coastal Plain

NONE - No Unique geological features are within the ROW.

Removal and installation of utility structures will not adversely affect geologic features or mineral mining sites.


None identified within the ROW

If encountered during construction contaminated material will be handled in accordance with Delmarva Power procedures and all regulatory requirements.

Based upon the proximity/location of the sites to the ROW it is not anticipated that project could be affected by contaminated sites.


19 historic sites located near the ROW.
No archeological sites.
Proposed structures are 30 to 60 feet higher than the existing structures.

No Historic Properties or archeological sites are located within or immediately adjacent to the Project ROW.
Assessment of Visual and Aesthetic impacts is a component of the Design process and Public Outreach.

Structure replacement, equipment mobilization, and conductor installation will result in no adverse effects to cultural resources.
The Project ROW will have similar features of the existing utility circuit and will not introduce new elements within the ROW that will result in substantial negative visual effects in the Project area.


Population, education, healthcare, county facilities, schools, emergency services, public services, waste management, roadways.

NONE - The Project will have no short-term and long-term effect on population, education, healthcare, county facilities and services or schools.

No new development within the Project ROW.
Waste material quantities would be minor.
Construction vehicles and equipment may cause minor, short-term effects to traffic flow on local roadways.
The roadways are located in rural areas that have lighter traffic loads.
Construction mobilization will occur only during daylight hours and during weekdays and is not expected to require road closure.


79% of Project ROW is agriculture with the majority being cropland.
Crossing of CREP land in Queen Anne’s County.
Multiple crossings of MALPF land in Queen Anne’s and Caroline. Counties.

Reseeding of disturbed areas. The replacement of existing structures and the associated construction activities will not affect agricultural land preservation efforts.

Replacement of structures and construction activities will not result in effects to agricultural land preservation efforts.

Resources with Minor Effects


52 soil units
Majority of soil units have the following soil characteristics: hydric, highly erodible, compaction-prone, and soils with low vegetation.

BMPs - erosion and sediment controls, reseeding in areas with exposed soil or areas with steep slopes. Use of existing access, farm roads and public roads to reach the Project ROW

Minor, short-term effects to soils within the Project ROW may occur during structure installation with soil erosion and soil compression from construction equipment. Temporary matting to support construction equipment and minimize soil disturbance would be used in areas where compression and ruts may occur. All soil-disturbing activities will comply with erosion and sediment control regulatory requirements


Watersheds - (Upper Chester River, Tuckahoe Creek and Upper Choptank River)
Streams - eight named streams and 42 unnamed tributaries
100-Year Floodplain – 27 acres of the Project ROW
Groundwater – Eastern Shore’s Surficial aquifer

Apply BMPs during construction activities near streams to control erosion and sedimentation.
Avoid stream crossings where practical.
Utilize temporary bridges.
Utilize proper dewatering methods.

Minor effect on water resources within watersheds; Temporary effects to streams resulting from construction activities, primarily access. Temporary effects to floodplains resulting from construction activities and access, some new fill resulting from installation of new structures. Minor effect on surficial aquifers during installation of structures.


Actively maintained transmission ROW.
Active agriculture and herbaceous vegetation-dominated habitat.
Intersects several Green Infrastructure hubs and corridors.
Rural Legacy Lands present in ROW.

Coordinate with local land owners to avoid crop damage.
Restore ROW upon completion of construction activities.

Planned vegetation management activities will take place in the existing ROW.
The majority of the areas identified as Green Infrastructure Hubs or Corridors consist of existing maintained ROW including large areas of active agricultural land.  


No FIDS, Colonial Nesting bird habitat, waterfowl staging areas, bald eagle nesting sites are located within the ROW.

Implement BMPs during construction to minimize habitat disturbance.

Temporary effects from construction vehicle access and structure installation.
Affected areas will quickly return to preconstruction conditions.


Species of concern:
Yellow Perch (Gravelly Branch) and Swamp Darters (Unicorn Branch).

Implement BMPs during construction to minimize stream disturbance and erosion, and sedimentation from construction activities.
No in-stream work will occur
Use of bank to bank matting

Effects to Yellow Perch and Swamp Darters habitat are not anticipated.


Queen Anne’s and Caroline Counties are designated attainment areas for the USEPA’s NAAQS criteria pollutants.

Implement BMPs during construction to minimize dust from construction activities.

The criteria pollutants in the area of the Project ROW are below the levels established by the NAAQS. BMPs will minimize and suspended particles from dust.


No noise receptors within Project ROW.

Coordinate with local residents and officials and adjust work hours, if needed.

Construction activities will generate moderate noise, but the adjacent land uses are primarily agricultural fields.


Delmarva Bays (Vernal Pools) Habitat which includes Eastern tiger salamander, barking treefrog and numerous plant species.

Implement BMPs during construction to minimize vegetation disturbance and known species habitat.

Specific surveys are required by the state. Surveys will begin during the appropriate season. Through continued coordination with DNR, commitments will be made regarding avoidance and minimization.


79 non-tidal wetlands
8 of the 79 identified as WSSC

Install temporary matting equipment access in wetlands and wetland buffers.

The existing structures will be replaced with new structures and where possible wetlands will be avoided. Construction activities and access will use temporary matting and BMPs to minimize the effect on wetlands.